Kids rehearse and perform as the featured roles in our fabulous production of Alice In Wonderland.
All Rehearsals and Performances at the New Starlight Performing Arts Center (please note, we are moving to a new bigger space : The Starlight Performing Arts Center, 4 minutes away at 115 Crescent Ave in Pleasant Hill. By the time this class starts we will have already moved to our new space! )
Tues Classes meet 4:15pm - 6:00pm : 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, (no class 4/6 - 4/12 Spring Break) 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, Mandatory Dress rehearsal IN COSTUME, HAIR AND MAKEUP 5/6, and perform Tues 5/13 at 5:00 and 7:00pm at the Starlight Performing Arts Center 115 Crescent Ave, Pleasant Hill, (call time 4pm) *pack a peanut free meal
Weds Classes meet 4:15pm - 6:00pm : 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, (no class 4/6 - 4/12 Spring Break) 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, Mandatory Dress rehearsal IN COSTUME, HAIR AND MAKEUP 5/7, and perform Weds 5/14 at 5:00 and 7:00pm at the Starlight Performing Arts Center 115 Crescent Ave, Pleasant Hill, (call time 4pm) *pack a peanut free meal
Thurs Classes meet 4:15pm - 6:00pm : 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, (no class 4/6 - 4/12 Spring Break) 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, Mandatory Dress rehearsal IN COSTUME, HAIR AND MAKEUP 5/8, and perform Thurs 5/15 at 5:00 and 7:00pm at the Starlight Performing Arts Center 115 Crescent Ave, Pleasant Hill, (call time 4pm) *pack a peanut free meal
Fri Classes meet 4:15pm - 6:00pm : 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, (no class 4/6 - 4/12 Spring Break) 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, Mandatory Dress rehearsal IN COSTUME, HAIR AND MAKEUP 5/9, and perform Fri 5/16 at 5:00 and 7:00pm at the Starlight Performing Arts Center 115 Crescent Ave, Pleasant Hill, (call time 4pm) *pack a peanut free meal
Sat Classes meet 12:00pm - 1:45pm : 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, (no class 4/6 - 4/12 Spring Break) 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, Mandatory Dress rehearsal IN COSTUME, HAIR AND MAKEUP 5/10, and perform Sat 5/17 at 10:00AM and 12:00PM at the Starlight Performing Arts Center 115 Crescent Ave, Pleasant Hill, (call time 9am) *pack a peanut free meal