PRIVATE POD Spring 2022 Sat 10:30
PRIVATE POD Spring 2022 Sat 10:30
Saturday 10:30 - 11:10
This is a private class, registration is open only to those within this group
Welcome to Starlight Spring Classes! This class will run from Mar 19th - May 21st (Note May 21st is a special schedule: 9:00AM - 11:00AM for Recital Dress rehearsal ) plus a recital on May 29th (no class May 28th)
TOTAL 10 Classes
For details on what to wear please check out our WHAT TO WEAR page in the dropdown menu.
We WILL have a recital! If you decide as a group that you would like to participate in the recital please add the RECITAL FEE to your cart as well! If your group chooses NOT to do recital then we will switch the class time on May 21st to 11:15 - 11:55 just for that one day.