Competition is a month away! What should you do now?

Practice your heart out

  • You should be running your dances, and songs and solo/duet etc EVERY SINGLE DAY. Your competitors are.

  • You should be listening to your music on repeat!

  • Make a habit of running all your lines/songs/choreo etc in your head silently right before you fall asleep each night. Studies show it makes a difference!

HEALTHY CHOICES START NOW - Set yourself up for success

  • Don’t wait until the last week to pack and prepare and panic and stay up late.

  • Pack now

  • Start getting good sleep now.

  • Get your homework done ahead of time so you aren’t stressed

  • Get a Covid and flu shot NOW

  • Wear a mask the week before the trip


I hope you don’t get sick, I hope you don’t lose your voice, but this weekend is stressful and things happen. Lets prepare just in case. Here are some tips to save your voice

  • Practice speaking without tiring out your voice. Put a hand on your throat and practice speaking at different volumes and energies (almost sing-song like) and find the sweet spot where there is no tension, where you can roll your head around loosely on your neck and stick continue to talk without tiring yourself out. Another great way to find this sweet spot is by lying on your back and relaxing and finding your voice without tension. Practice making those sounds loud without introducing tension into your neck or throat or vocal chords. You may find this gives you a bit of a Julia Child style lilt, lean into that. This will take time and practice but eventually it will develop into a voice that doesn't get tired. Slip into this for every single interaction all day every day in the weeeks before comp to protect yourself.

  • If you DO find yourself losing your voice, take all the steps to protect it. Vocal rest. Hot steamy showers. Put a humidifier by your bed. Drink a hot cup of the SALTIEST broth you can handle. (I prefer this to gargling salt water and it is a magical temporary relief to swollen vocal chords). Hot tea with lemon and honey. A lot of my broadway friends swear by eating greasy food like Lays potato chips. (I don't know if that one holds up but hey? An excuse to eat chips!)

  • And my two favorites: