How our auditions work

  • You and your parent will arrive ten minutes before your audition to fill out a quick form and to take a breath before entering

  • Someone will bring you in from the lobby into one of our classrooms (parents wait in lobby)

  • There will be an open space for you to perform and a place to plug your phone in for music and a chair available in case you want one. There will be a table with 2-3 people sitting behind it with coffee, computers and smiles.

  • We will great you, we may ask you a few questions and then you can start when you are ready.

  • Sing a 1 minute song (must be from a musical, must have a karaoke/backing/instrumental music with no words, must be memorized)

  • Perform a 1 minute monologue (must be memorized, must be appropriate)

  • When you are finished we will thank you, give you some paperwork with lots of information on it and say goodbye

  • You will recieve an email in the next few days that will tell you if you were cast.

Choose the Right Song / Monologue

  • Choose a song FROM A MUSICAL not a pop song.

  • Choose a monologue from a play, movie or book.

  • Pick something that highlights you and shows off your best skills

  • Choose something appropriate please. No swear words or innappropriate subject matter.

Get the Music

  • You must have a backing track, something WITHOUT words. We recommend going to itunes or youtube and searching “karaoke” or “instrumental” or “backing track” plus the name of your song. Have it ready to go on your device

Dress The Part

  • Auditions are about impressing a judge. Dress nicely and don’t wear ripped jeans, crocs, flip flops, or tee shirts with lots of distracting pictures or messages. A perfect audition outfit is a summer dress and a pair of flats with your hair out of your face, or a solid color top and a nice pair of jeans or a pair of dress pants and a nice sweater or a button down etc etc.


  • Plant your feet, don’t wander, wiggle or sway

  • Be BIG! We want to see a big, animated character full of life and energy and facial expressions

  • Be memorized!

  • Be LOUD! Sing or act to the back of the room above the judges’ heads.

  • Practice in front of your parents! Really! It makes a huge difference.

Sending in a Video Audition

  • If you cannot attend an audition and need to send in a video audition instead, we completely understand. Follow these steps for a successful audition.

    1. 1) Follow all the steps above

    2. 2) Just because you are in your house doesn’t mean you can’t be professional. Please stand up and find an empty-ish place in your house. Do not sit on your bed in you pjs. Dress well, stand up and perform!!

    3. 3) BE MEMORIZED

    4. 4) Introduce yourself with your name, grade and what team you are auditioning for at the top of the video

    5. 5) Sing a 1 minute song (must be from a musical, must have a karaoke/backing/instrumental music with no words, must be memorized)

    6. 6) Perform a 1 minute monologue (must be memorized, must be appropriate)

    7. 7) Upload the video to youtube and then send up the link to Make sure you set it as “NOT for children” (I know that sounds weird but trust me) and “Public” alternatively you can email the video directly but please make sure the settings will allow anyone with the link to watch it not just the one email address you send it to.

A note to parents
You play a CRUCIAL role in your child’s success. You wouldn’t believe how obvious the difference is between the kid that struggles by themselves in their bedroom to practice with no help and no audience and the kid who has sung their song a dozen times for their parents before they get in front of us. This audition matters to your kid, help them succeed. Guide them through making their peice fit the suggestions above. Give them feedback about being louder and bigger etc. Help them!